There is a simple method to blend garden compost into your soil without a lot of back breaking work: Spread the garden compost over your garden in the late fall, after all the harvesting is done. By spring, the melting snow and soil organisms will have worked the garden compost in for you. Like vining veggies, however do not have the space? Conserves area and looks quite too. If it's getting cold and you have tomatoes still ripening on the vine-- conserve your tomatoes!
1. Pull the plants up and bring them inside to a warm dry location. Hang them up, and the tomatoes will ripen on the vine.
2. Buddy planting is an exceptional method to enhance your garden. Some plants renew nutrients lost by another one, and some mixes successfully keep bugs away.
3. Paint the manages of your gardens tools a brilliant, color aside from green to assist you discover them among your plants. You can likewise keep a mail box in your garden for simple tool storage.
4. Garden compost requires time to incorporate and support in the soil. Use 2 to 3 weeks prior to planting.
7. Garden veggies that end up being over-ripe are a simple target for some bugs. Eliminate them as quickly as possible to prevent detection. Let the soil dry out, harvest, and shop in a warm, dry, dark location till the tops dry. Cut off the foliage down to an inch, then shop in a cool, dry location.
9. Keep dirt off lettuce and cabbage leaves when growing by spreading out a 1-2 inch layer of mulch (neglected by pesticides or fertilizers) around each plant. This likewise assists keep the weeds down.
10. When planting a flower or veggie transplant, deposit a handful of garden compost into each hole. Garden compost will offer transplants with an additional increase that lasts throughout the growing season.